Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Sherry McGuinn


They fucking hate your guts.

And as someone who has been trying to get Democrats to understand how to combat him for 8 years and tried to get Americans to give a shit about Epstein and sex trafficking for 12… I totally get why.

Having to deal with people who think Donald Trump is an idiot but are still somehow dumber than he is has left me with a burning unquenchable hatred for Americans which can only be quenched by watching the entire country crumble due to the combined incompetence of its populace.

There’s nothing hidden behind their motivations. They told you exactly what it was back in 2016. If you haven’t figured it out yet, that’s on you.

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Thanks for the read and comment. I fucking hate their guts too, so there you go.

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Sep 2Liked by Sherry McGuinn

Thanks for saying this, Sherry. A couple of weeks ago, I saw that so-called press conference he did, and I felt my body get all tense and anxious just like every time he talks. For my own mental health, I decided that I would never intentionally listen to him speak again. It’s always the same whining and BS anyway. I still speak out, but the respite has been nice.

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Glenna, you’re right. You’re better off not watching. It is somewhat masochistic and I have the same visceral reaction as you. The very sound of his voice is cringe-inducing. Thanks so much for reading and commenting,

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Wonderful piece. I agree 100%. What the actual fuck is wrong with these people? I have an answer. Well, two. 1. Occam's razor. The simplest explanation is the best one: his acolytes are deeply ignorant, willfully stupid, and they wear it like a badge of honor. They lack basic critical thinking skills. 2. This is a revenge vote. They would rather burn down their own houses than concede to the "liberals" or the Democrats. Theirs is a scorched Earth policy. They hate use and will sacrifice themselves to make sure no one gets a free band aid. You're welcome.

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Brilliant, CT! I concur 100%.

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I don't understand any of it,

the women, in particular.

(Will there be any regrets for having a big dumb pumpkin head tattooed on one's tits ?????????? 😳🙄

******* jesusfuckingchrist

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LOL!! What a visual!

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It's true, some random woman did exactly that. Verified as a true, accurate picture. I saw it when the rush to kill illegals was going on in Texas.

Not a pretty sight.....

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Man, oh man, Morgan. Where in the hell are we living? Who the FF are these people?

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I am here for your legitimate no bullshit questioning of Team Red Hat. I appreciate that you make me laugh about this situation, offering a break from my usual rage. I feel like the answer is to shut off DJT's complete stranglehold of the media, certainly he would wither without being the center of attention for five minutes but unfortunately the media just won't stop giving him nonstop camera time. I'll be here counting down the days until 11/5 and girding my loins for what fresh hell that brings. Let me know if I can Instacart you a pallet of your liquor of choice and some fancy cherries.

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What an offer! Girl, I may take you up in that!! I feel the same rage. (Can you tell?) If you can access it, there’s a documentary on Netflix, “Trump. An American Dream,” that I believe you’d find interesting. Let me know if you do.

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I played JV football in Brooklyn with a nice kid. If memory serves he played the cornerback position and was good at it. I'll call him Pete. This was back in 1967. By 1969, having a conversation with Pete was like having a conversation with a firefly. 100+ hits of acid had robbed him of his ability to hold two thoughts in place to make a concept. Reminds me of Trump. The braincells are gone. There's just not enough of them to form a complex sentence, let alone formulate policy for a nation. MAGA supporters don't see Trump. They don't hear his comments. They don't understand his past deeds and misdeeds. And they don't care. Trump is a cardboard cutout to them, representing a party or a position they believe will be better. Trump could be a hat stand with a carved pumpkin on top and they would vote for him. Not because they don't know better - they do - it's just that Trump has always been and always will be a placeholder for a better way. That's it. Voting for him means that m-a-y-b-e things will change. Maybe God will assist. Maybe the winds of fortune will blow their way. They're just certain the Dems won't deliver.

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Sep 2Liked by Sherry McGuinn

Social media has given rise to these (I am really trying to be less shouty) but the Neanderthals who attempt to use there pea size brain for rational thought, seem to get constipated. Until it passes on then it’s nonsensical mouth diarrhea.

Knowing how Coach Walz seems to have raised his children, I’m positive he’s still nurturing and protecting his son and daughter as the good man I know he is.

No matter how this election goes There will still be something dirty happening. I know I am not going down quietly.

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I totally agree, Mark, especially about Gov. Walz. As for the “dirty” aspect, I fear you may be right about that, too. Glad to hear you’re not going down quietly. Neither am I. Keep shouting,

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Oh darn, not a single Trump comment to explain their blind devotion to the orange Jesus. The truth is they rely on lies to support their POV and that's why the conversations with them go nowhere. Don't worry, Sherry. Let's encourage people to vote so Kamala can win by a landslide.

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Yes, Ilona, let’s do that. Encourage as many “on the fence” voters to support the Harris-Walz ticket as we can. And I’m not too surprised at the lack

of pro-Trump comments, because much like their leader, they’re gutless. Thank you, dear.

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From this side of the pond I'm in full agreement with you Sherry. Your election affects us here in the UK also and we don't get to vote.

I constantly argue with those shiteheads that support these freaks just because of the right/left thing. None of them look at the policies, reasonings, or just the plain moral side of the equation. To them its a win/lose issue. We do now have a government that is serious about keeping our freedoms and its senses, but they've only been in power 6 weeks now and already the muck-raking billionaire supporting press is stirring up their civil war is coming threats.

I work a local bar on Sunday nights and constantly am having to listen to the idiots. Now they are saying we've been too harsh on the poor rioters that tried to burn mosques and hotels housing asylum seeking refugees. That their freedom of speech is at risk because of threats to jail those that incited them. Fuck them, jail them. If they don't know that with rights come responsibilities then they are too thick headed to be worth being civil too. I've now taken a leaf out of Gov. Walz's book and just take the piss out of them. It seems to work better than arguing facts.

I just nicknamed one guy Alf Garnett ( I think you had an equivalent called Archie Bunker) last night and he just stormed out.

They started it for fuck's sake so let's just make fun of them, turn them into cartoon characters. Love that Jasmine Crockett comeback "Bleach Blond, Bad Built, Butch Body" stuff. Over here now that Trump pal Farage has been spouting off, scared they're going to arrest him for inciting the riots, so at every opportunity we get on social media under his name we are hash tagging #farageriots and its shut him up. He's running scared.

Our side needs to start fighting back dirty now, too much is at stake.

Go get'em Sherry, I'm doing my best over here.

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I know it affects you, as well, Byron. In the coming weeks, you’re going to hear what I’m sure will be some “fascinating” commentary on our upcoming election that I’ll hope you’ll share. I also agree that taking the high road isn’t always the right path. I love Crockett and I cheered when she hit back at MTG. Thanks so much.

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Sep 2Liked by Sherry McGuinn

Great job! This is the kind of pre-election writing the country needs.

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Thanks a lot, Tim.

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Thanks, Joe. What you say makes a great deal of sense. Yes, Trump could be a hat stand for all MAGA cares, making them mindless hat stands, as well. A perfect combination for potential doom.

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From what I can tell, the MAGA crowd is motivated by hate and obsession with the "rebel" they view Trump as.

They still revile the fact that Obama was allowed to serve as President of their white trash version of our country for an astounding two terms. There is no way they would vote for someone even remotely the same complexion as he was. Their hate is so bad that they deliberately vote to deny benefits and rights for everyone because their rights and benefits would then be devalued and they would no longer feel superior to at least one class of people.

Trump is their "Fearless Leader" from the cartoons who champions their hate and coddles their insecurities about people they refuse to learn more about. He's their Benito Mussolini - you know, the man who "united" Italy by having them all rally around the same hatred.

Most of the MAGA crowd are either secular "christians" (don't actually go to church but they're "Bible believers" mostly) or have developed a taste for the poison their church leaders are serving them about abortion, health care, LGBTQ community, immigrants and people who believe differently. Sadly, both Black and white preachers are spreading that venomous message of hatred and disdain.

We are a better nation than the way the Republican majority has portrayed it to them.

Harris/Walz for the win!

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