This is one of those pieces where, after I hit “publish,” I’ll wonder what the hell I was thinking. And this is because my opinions haven’t been too popular lately. And the haters let me know it, bless their ignorant little hearts.
Oh, well.
If you’re a regular viewer of MSNBC and CNN, perhaps you’ll agree they’ve been remiss in not airing recent Trump rallies where he appears especially unhinged, like the recent stop in Michigan. The public needs to see the cognitive disintegration of a candidate for the highest office in the land. One, who when he stands at a podium, behaves like a low-rent Borscht Belt comic.
My husband has been watching these rallies on C-Span purely for their entertainment value. And, they are hilarious, but more than that, they’re infuriating to the point where I have to leave the room.
Yesterday, I believe the round-up of mouthbreathers was in Pennsylvania, and as I was trucking up and down our basement stairs with laundry, I caught a few bits and pieces of his “speech.” And, as usual, they were personal attacks and slurs, primarily aimed at Vice President Harris, who he’s taken to calling Komrade Kamala. Every time he says it I want to see an anvil drop from the sky, onto his thick, fucking head. But, no, the Universe doesn’t work that way. Here’s how it works:
A National Hockey League star and his brother, out for a bike ride, were killed by a drunk driver on the eve of their sister’s wedding.
And Donald Trump, a miserable wretch of a human being, whose own family keeps their distance, lives another day to spread hatred and mendacity wherever he goes. But, I digress. Getting back to the rally, after the Kamala slams, Trump moved on to Barack Obama, whose brilliance, sense of fair play, and charisma have always gotten under Trump’s skin.
As I was leaving the family room where my husband was watching, I heard Trump repeat at least three times, in that obnoxious, simpering, failed reality star voice of his: Barack HUSSEIN Obama. The intent, as it normally is with this bully, is clear.
Now, I’m rambling here so I will get to the point. I don’t know how many of my readers are in the MAGA camp, but if you’re here, please help me understand, how you can support a man like Donald Trump. How can you, in any conceivable fashion, wish to see him back in the White House?
In other words, Trumpers, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Sorry. I slipped off the rails and I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t do that. Going in, I wanted to make this story as educational as possible. Yes. Educational. So that the rest of us can understand WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU.
But, it’s so hard. It’s so hard, folks isn’t it? For you Dems who think Trump is lower than pond scum, as I do, isn’t it tough to make this compute? How can we possibly continue to co-exist with his “base?”
Yesterday, we learned that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the dude with the worm in his brain and who thought that leaving a bear cub carcass in a park would be a hoot, has been appointed to Trump’s transition team. My blood runs cold at the thought.
Yet another hypocrite, like JD Vance, Kennedy has previously denounced Trump, yet now, in his bid for power says that the sociopath “has changed.”
Kennedy told “All In” podcast host, Jason Calacanis, ““If President Trump wins, people are going to see a very different President Trump than they did in the first term.”
That’s for damn sure. If we thought his first term was a nightmare, gird your loins as he’s vowed to become a “dictator” on day one. There will be no coming back from this as he will never let go of the reins of power unless he’s extinguished like the vermin he is.
Trumpers, how do you feel about having a dictator in the White House? Please share your thoughts with the rest of us so we can understand your reasoning, which is dangerously flawed to most rational, thinking people.
JD Vance. Let’s touch upon this asshole for a bit. An empty suit who talks like a character straight out of The Handmaid’s Tale and who shames and insults women every time he opens his mouth. I’m guessing we’re talking “small dick,” here, much like that of his running mate, if Stormy Daniels is to be believed and I believe her.
MAGA men, do you have a penis problem? Is that why MAGA women look like they don’t get any?
Commander Vance, whose one claim to fame is his supposed autobiographical novel Hillbilly Elegy, followed by a film, most notable for Glenn Close’s turn as Vance’s “Mamaw.”
As Close has made several donations to the Democratic Party, I’m guessing she’s told her agent to “Fuck off.”
And, lifelong Democrat, Ron Howard, who directed the film, told Variety that he was “surprised” by Commander Vance’s conservative leanings.
“When I was getting to know J.D., we didn’t talk politics because I wasn’t interested in that about his life. I was interested in his childhood and navigating the particulars of his family and his culture so that’s what we focused on in our conversation. To me, he struck me as a very moderate center-right kind of guy.”
Oh, Opie, what the everloving fuck?
Trumpers, did you see Hillbilly Elegy? If so, what’s your take? Is Commander Vance a real hillbilly or a faux hillbilly? He did say he likes Mountain Dew but I believe that was pretend, you know? You do understand the notion of pretending, right?
Yesterday, I allowed myself to get sucked into a “conversation” on LinkedIn which is a shithole of a site, run by Nazis. The thread’s poster was dissing MAGA and naturally, I had to jump in when a Hispanic gentleman bleated, “I’M VOTING FOR TRUMP.”
I made the point that Donald Trump doesn’t give a damn about him or any people of color, along with a few other choice comments. Not too long after, I received an email telling me that my comment was removed for “Violating community standards.”
Screw you, LinkedIn, and you, too, Clueless Hispanic Guy.
If you keep abreast of current events, you’ve seen Trump’s most recent display of abominable behavior. His thumbs-up, photo opp in Arlington National Cemetery at the graves of soldiers who died in a suicide bombing in Afghanistan three years ago, because it’s all about him. Mr. Bone Spurs.
When Vice President Harris denounced Trump for his deplorable behavior, his sidepiece, Commander Vance, said that she could “Go to hell.”
Trumpers, is this the caliber of individuals you want leading our country? If so, I ask yet again, what the fuck is wrong with you?
One thing you have to say about Donald Trump. He’s adept at surrounding himself with suck-ups who are nearly as despicable as he is. Along with Vance and Kennedy, I cannot conceive of a more unholy trio. Evil, self-serving and hell-bent on destroying our Constitution.
Let’s talk to you MAGA ladies. Now, fess up here as they say it’s good for the soul. Are you just going along with the menfolk by supporting a candidate who wants to take away your reproductive rights? Who famously, and insanely talks about babies who’ve been “executed after birth?” This stump believes women exist for two things: Fucking and breeding. If, despite this knowledge, your support is unwavering, then you’re worse than the motherfuckers you climb into bed with at night. You phony, Bible-spoutin’ bimbos, you.
By the way, where’s Melania?
It appears that I fudged a bit when I said I wouldn’t go off the rails, but every time I attempt to wrap myself around the “Why” and “How” an individual can support a monster for President of the United States, and make no mistake, Trump is a monster, I’m filled with contempt and loathing to a degree that frightens me.
I don’t want to feel this way, but I know who I am. I’m the product of two middle-class people who, if they were alive, would feel exactly as I do.
For you Trumpers, I say, please, please think about the doom that will ensue should you vote Donald Trump into office for a second term. Consider the following:
If the National Guard takes over your city as a “domestic police force,” which Trump has vowed to do, that’s on you.
If women die as a result of backward, back-alley abortions, that’s on you. Amendment: Women HAVE died. Your savior has blood on his hands and so do you.
If Trump releases the criminals who stormed the Capitol on January 6th, allowing them to unleash God-knows-what-hell, that’s on you.
If Trump deports millions of migrants, some of whom may be part of your gene pool, that’s on you.
If Trump fires thousands upon thousands of civil service employees to “eradicate the deep state,” that’s on you.
If Trump rolls back all of President Biden’s climate progress and reinvests in fossil fuel, that’s on you.
If seniors on a fixed income lose their homes because of Trump’s plans to cut Social Security and Medicare, that’s on you.
If a first home for young families just starting, is an unattainable goal as affordable housing is not on Trump’s limited radar, that’s on you.
If Trump continues to treat those who’ve served in the military as “suckers and losers,” that’s on you. And, if you’re a veteran and a Trumper, shame on you.
If Trump pulls the US out of NATO and the rest of the world turns its back on us, that’s on you.
If Trump stands behind his declaration that “Russia can do whatever the hell they want” to any country he believes doesn’t spend enough on collective defense, that’s on you.
If Trump turns the Department of Justice into an attack machine for his MAGA movement, that’s on you.
If Trump’s massive tax cuts for his rich friends affect programs and investments serving middle-class and working families (which he knows nothing about), that’s on you.
If Trump pays zero penance for his many crimes, that’s on you.
And, there’s more, but you Trumpers get the point.
Hell. I’m spitting into the wind, but if nothing else, I can try to ease the dread that consumes me with its unrelenting “What ifs?” And, so can you, by telling the truth and giving others a glimpse of life under a Trump dictatorship. And by letting those who are bound and determined to put his treasonous ass back in the White House, what they’ll be in for.
For you who are members of the racist, sexist, illiterate, uncultured, and mindless MAGA cult, know that if you vote a treasonous felon into office, your relationships will shift. Oh, you may be chuffed in the beginning, but slowly and surely friends and family members who disagree with your lack of respect for everything this country stands for will back away. They won’t call as often. They'll be “busy” when you want to meet for lunch or a drink. Invites to holiday gatherings will be few and far between, if at all. Perhaps your employers will reconsider those yearly bonuses your families rely on.
You’ll be pariahs, much like Donald Trump himself. Forget about me because I’m a nobody, but plenty of “somebodies” including those in your communities and inner circles, will feel the same contempt and loathing that I do for your deplorable refusal to face the facts of a second Trump term.
The United States of America will be no more, and many will suffer. And that will be on you. So fuck you very much.
“All ambition is folly when it fails to be matched by reason.”
― Anthony Ryan, The Pariah
© Sherry McGuinn, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
They fucking hate your guts.
And as someone who has been trying to get Democrats to understand how to combat him for 8 years and tried to get Americans to give a shit about Epstein and sex trafficking for 12… I totally get why.
Having to deal with people who think Donald Trump is an idiot but are still somehow dumber than he is has left me with a burning unquenchable hatred for Americans which can only be quenched by watching the entire country crumble due to the combined incompetence of its populace.
There’s nothing hidden behind their motivations. They told you exactly what it was back in 2016. If you haven’t figured it out yet, that’s on you.
Thanks for saying this, Sherry. A couple of weeks ago, I saw that so-called press conference he did, and I felt my body get all tense and anxious just like every time he talks. For my own mental health, I decided that I would never intentionally listen to him speak again. It’s always the same whining and BS anyway. I still speak out, but the respite has been nice.