My Dead, Jewish Father Came to Me in a Dream and Said He Believes Mark Robinson Deserves a Good Whuppin'
When is enough, enough?
To my black friends, I apologize for the title but if you read me, you know where I’m coming from and that I mean no disrespect. On the contrary, I’m about to crap on yet another appalling MAGGOT, so sit tight.
And, to those black people who support Donald Trump, know that you’re also supporting the human waste that is Mark Robinson, Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina and self-professed, “black Nazi.”
Unless you’ve been living in JD Vance’s former stomping grounds, where the strung-out hillbillies call “home,” you’ve been privy to the recent news that gubernatorial candidate Robinson was caught with his pants down, figuratively, unfortunately, when CNN uncovered old posts, reportedly made by this slob, on online pornographic websites.
What a surprise. Another Republican exposed as the scumbag he is.
Politico tells us that Robinson posted disgusting comments on a site called “Nude Africa,” which, right away made my gorge rise, and shared the same name and email address as the one used on Ashley Madison! I don’t know if this is the height of stupidity or supreme arrogance. Perhaps, both.
In his comments, Robinson admitted to getting his rocks off as a teenager by peeping on girls as they showered, and also, that he has s hankering for “tranny on girl” porn. Jesus. You have to give the bastard an “A” for creativity as admittedly, I’m having a hard time imagining this scenario.
This latest example of MAGGOTRY is repugnant, but to me, the comment that should get this asshole the comeuppance he deserves—and you can take that any way you like—is the “Slavery is not bad” declaration. He went on to state that if slavery were to return, he’d “Buy a few”
That, and Robinson’s remark about being a black Nazi has me reeling. For those of you who watched the series True Blood, do you remember the theme song? The name is “Bad Things” by Jace Everett and the song closes with the line, “I wanna do real bad things with you.”
“Well, Mark Robinson, I wanna do real bad things TO you.” But, unfortunately, I’m just an older broad living in the suburbs without the resources to take down a Trump-endorsed piece of shit who is so lacking in decency that, even though he’s been busted as the anti-semitic, anti-black, pervert that he is, refuses to withdraw from the election for North Carolina’s next governor.
This is what I believe: Robinson is nothing if not servile to white people. Certain white people. And, what do we know about certain white people, boys and girls? Many hate and distrust Jews and black people. They’re equal-opportunity assholes who, like Massa Robinson, would own slaves if they could.
My late, great, Jewish dad would not do well in the current political climate. He despised Donald Trump and, being the hot-tempered individual he was, would not take well to the increase in not only anti-Semitic rhetoric but the alarming rise in hate crimes, as well. In a nutshell, he’d probably get himself hurt, or worse. And, he’d stand up for his friends of color, of which he had many.
Dad never went to college, but he was smart. He knew the way of the world and that the world can suck.
The other night, I was half awake, but also, dreaming. You’ve experienced that oddly pleasant sensation, right? Where you’re not entirely under, but not fully cognizant, either? Often, when in this state, I find that I’m sexually aroused, but that’s a story for my other Substack.
On this particular night, at the center of my mind’s meanderings was my father, in his bedroom on the phone (landline!) cursing in hushed tones. He was sitting, hunched over on the bed, trying to muffle his words but he didn’t know that I was standing in the doorway watching him and could hear some of what he was saying.
It was 1977 and I later found out that his conversation was with someone involved in the planned march, by self-professed Nazis, that was to take place on a main drag in Skokie, Illinois, where we lived and which had a sizeable Jewish population. There was a film about it, appropriately called Skokie, directed by Herbert Wise and starring George Dzundza.
That said, and as much as I miss him, it’s probably for the best that my father is wherever the fuck he is, if anywhere, as I’d fear for his safety.
And, as for the “whuppin,” it’s me saying it.
Robinson, as you might expect, denied the allegations against him, calling them “Tabloid trash.”
Jew-haters. Let’s touch on that for a bit.
NPR cites a 2024 report from the American Jewish Committee stating that a large majority of Americans — both Jews and non-Jews — say antisemitism in the U.S. is a serious problem, according to a report out Tuesday from the American Jewish Committee.
An understatement.
The study, called "The State of Antisemitism in America" found that 93% of Jews and 74% of U.S. adults surveyed say antisemitism is a "very serious problem" or "somewhat serious problem."
Again, an understatement.
So, what do we do? How do we respond to individuals like Mark Robinson? Why haven’t his fellow Republican politicos expressed outrage at the revelation that this man is shit walking? Because they’re just like him. Cowards, at heart, who care nothing for the people they serve and, like Donald Trump are desperate to hold onto whatever power is within their grasp.
This latest unearthing of this slob’s contempt for his own people should come as no surprise to his fellow right-wing sleazeballs as The Bulwark reminds us of this gem, puked up by Robinson at a September 2020 speech to the ultra-conservative group, BLEXIT:
“During Jim Crow, you can go back and you can look at it and the record will show you, that’s when black folks were at their highest in this country,” Robinson said in a speech in 2020. “When the times were the toughest, that’s when they were highest. And why? Because they knew they had to rely on themselves.”
Who do you think Robinson is trying to appeal to with such statements? Conservative, white folk, perhaps? He identifies as an evangelical Christian—and has spent many Sundays giving sweaty, thunderous speeches in Church.
Robinson doesn’t sound very Christian to me. Doesn’t like Jews. Doesn’t like blacks. Panders to a very particular segment of white people. Some would call him an Uncle Tom, even though, sadly, the protagonist in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, was the opposite of what we believe an Uncle Tom to be.
But, it doesn’t matter what we call him. What matters is this: We cannot let this go.
Black people, people of the Jewish faith, all of us, we cannot let this go. Call the news outlets, write emails or letters to the editors of whatever publications you subscribe to, and inundate this bastard with “feedback” right here:
How much more must we suck up? How much is too much? We have the Internet, people. We can make ourselves heard. You don’t have to be a writer or pundit to express outrage.
We cannot let this go.
© Sherry McGuinn, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Oh, Lisa, my dear. I have no words other than to agree with you. I’m trying to be hopeful, but it’s so damned hard, precisely because of what you shared. Thank you. What a travesty.
The USA, as it likes to refer to itself, is coming apart. It always has been inhabited by both slime and sacred.
Robinson is both. He truly believes he is delivering a word of God. He lives and breathes the "taking of the lord, thy God, in vain". He also strikes me as the epitome of a person who practices all of the seven deadly sins. Those who believe in "the devil" should recognize him. Fascinating that they refuse to do so.