For those of you who remember a silver disco ball spinning above your head as you executed the perfect booty pop to the sighs and groans of “Love to Love You,” dressed in your best, non-breathable polyester, well then, you’ll get a kick out of this.
Hell, everyone who isn’t MAGA should get a kick out of this.
We rational folk know that Donald Trump is insane. His cognition has declined to a level that bears serious intervention, but unfortunately, the majority of the Republican Party is like one, big, pussy. You know, like the kind, Herr Trump bragged about grabbing on Access Hollywood.
A couple of days ago, the head MAGGAT rallied in Wisconsin. I watched for a while on the one outlet that depicts his insanity up close and personal. C-Span. (CNN and MSNBC, get in the ballgame, yeah?)
He bounced from one unhinged rant to another. One mendacious declaration in particular got to me. His lie about intending to “save Medicare,” as old people are already taking it up the ass because of crooked Joe’s Bidenomics — the usual bullshit. Lies and more lies.
As is common in recent telecasts of Trump’s mouthbreather gatherings, viewers weren’t able to see the size of the crowd in attendance, because the morons aren’t coming out in droves, like they once did. I wouldn’t get too jazzed about that, though, as there are plenty more MAGGATS to go around.
Now, here’s my point and I apologize for taking so long to reach it but whenever I start writing about Trump, there’s just so damned much to shit on that I can’t control myself.
At the end of the felonious, rape-artist’s rally his new, signature Trump Rally Music started up: “Y.M.C.A.,” the 1978 track made famous by an all-male group known as Village People.
Y’all remember that one, right? If you made it through the disco era, this bouncy jam should be ingrained in your brain, whether you liked it, or not. It was everywhere. And now, Donald Trump is “borrowing” the tune as his signature sign-off after executing his one-man show, “The Apprentice Village Idiot,” now playing at way too many venues all over this here United States.
Now, I’m well aware as perhaps you folks are, too, that “Y.M.C.A.” became what can only be called a Gay Anthem, albeit, that wasn’t the songwriters’ intent. Written by producer Jacques Morali and Village People Founder, Victor Willis, the tune was more about finding one’s community — and having a fucking great time in the process.
According to American Songwriter, in a 2017 interview, Willis said:
“Y.M.C.A. was not written to be a gay song because of the simple fact I’m not gay. I wrote it about hanging out in urban neighborhoods in my youth. ‘You can hang out with all the boys’ was a term about me and my friends playing basketball at the Y. But I wanted to write a song that could fit anyone’s lifestyle. I’m happy the gay community adopted it as their anthem, I have no qualms with that.”
Regardless of its “Just hangin’ out with the boys” messaging, the LGBTQ+ community embraced “Y.M.C.A.” and, apparently, so has Donald Trump!
Let me stop here and credit quick-witted writer and reader,
for reminding me that, adding to the irony, the organization, YMCA, stands for Young Men’s Christian Association.Back to Village People. I seem to recall thinking that all of the group’s members were gay, but of the original five, only Randy Jones (Cowboy) and Felipe Rose (Native American) were homosexual.
Even though through the years, Village People became something of a revolving door members-wise, Alex Briley, Glenn Hughes, and David Hodo, along with Jones and Rose, comprised the original lineup.
Hodo was the Construction Worker, Hughes the leather-clad Biker, and Alex Briley, the Sailor.
A mainstay at weddings, bar mitzvahs, sporting events, and any excuse for people to come together, get blasted, and have a good time, “Y.M.C.A”. topped the charts all over the world, hitting Number 2 on Biillboard’s Hot 100 in the States.
There was even a Y.M.C.A. dance of sorts, birthed on Dick Clark’s American Bandstand, where dancers would form the shapes of the letters with their arms.
A whopping three decades after the Bandstand appearance, according to azcentral, “Y.M.C.A.” made the Guinness Book of World Records when a crowd of more than 44,000 executed that goofy dance as the Village People sang their mega-hit at the Sun Bowl in El Paso, Texas.
Fast forward to now, where, thanks to a federal judge in Georgia, Trump can no longer use, or rather, steal, Isaac Hayes’ “Hold On, I’m Coming,” made famous by soul duo Sam & Dave and, inexplicably, has replaced it with “Y.M.C.A.”
Before that, Beyoncé Celine Dion, Sinéad O’Connor, The Beatles, Adele, Bruce Springsteen, Elton John, Foo Fighters, Guns N’ Roses, Leonard Cohen, Queen, Prince, Pharrell, the Rolling Stones, The Smiths’ Johnny Marr, Rihanna, Neil Young, Linkin Park, the late Tom Petty, the Village People (for “Macho Man”), and Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler all banned Trump from playing their music for his campaign.
What does that tell us, people? We already know that Trump is a not-too-bright sociopath with a noted contempt for the LGBTQ+ community, so why is he incorporating a song with the following message into his rallies?
Young man, there’s no need to feel down
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground
I said, young man, ’cause you’re in a new town
There’s no need to be unhappy
Young man, there’s a place you can go
I said, young man, when you’re short on your dough
You can stay there, and I’m sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
They have everything for you men to enjoy
You can hang out with all the boys
I have a theory, but, first, in case you’re wondering, Trump was slammed by Village People for using “Y.M.C.A,” when he was still in office, yet the “bully” as they called him continues to use the anthem despite their pleas to remove it from his purloined playlist.
What a piece of shit.
People, I believe there’s only one takeaway here. We must trust our eyes and ears, our senses. We see Trump perform his asinine “Two-Fisted Jerkoff” dance buoyed by the gay anthem “Y.M.C.A” which we clearly hear every time he rallies with his vacant-eyed sycophants.
Trump is in the middle of a homosexual panic. He wants to grab something, but it sure isn’t a pussy. ( Sorry, MTG.) Herr Trump is gay, and this scares the living shit out of him. What will JD Vance think? Or his Project 2025 Nazis? Or, even, Melania?
Who is that, again?
It’s a conundrum, to be sure. And, finally, for any of you in the LBGTQ+ community who support Donald Trump for President of the United States, I must ask, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“You folks can get behind him, alright. As soon as he gets his ass out of the closet.”
© Sherry McGuinn, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
I should amend that and credit you.
You're forgetting what YMCA stands for- Young Men's Christian Association. So many members of his base are Christians or claim to be so, so why wouldn't he adopt a song about an institution intent to support traditional American "muscular" Christianity? (Of course, none of them probably know how the Village People were subverting that image, which is why they still use the song).